
Starting Flooring ...

The weather has still been too darn hot for us Alaskans to work on a deck in the heat (yes, for us, heat is anything above 80 degrees - pathetic, I know), so our decking project is going to wait for another day. Inside the Momplex, it's nice a cool. When we choose to build with ARXX blocks (Insulated Concrete Forms that are basically hollow legos that you stack and fill with concrete) the main reason was energy efficiency and preventing heat loss. Ironic how we are enjoying how cool the M

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Stepping Up

Once upon a time, we bought some 2x12 boards.

And we dug a giant hole, and laid those 2x12 boards in the ground.

Those boards made up the forms for the foundation of the Momplex.

And we poured concrete inside those boards.

And let it set up.

Those same 2x12 boards were removed from the footer forms after the concrete dried.

We used a few of them to help

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Mosaic Glass Tile Backsplash

UPDATE: Congrats to megcaton for winning this giveaway! This giveaway is now closed, thank you to everyone who entered! A very Happy Friday to you!  

I'm so delighted today to share with you one of my favorite sawdust-free projects with you that we've done on the Momplex.  Of course, I'm partial to all things made of wood - but really, the same basic skills that help you make wood projects nice, translate to other mediums - like tile!

We've been working hard a

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Upstairs Exterior Walls

After getting our two weeks notice in the form of a white slip of snow on Donnelly Dome, we decided to take some extra steps in preparation for a very unwanted visitor who will be staying a long time. Think of him like bad in-laws from the movies ... you know you have to get along, but you really don't want to (not you Mom-who-likes-to-sew). Yep, Mr. Jack Frost is on his way.  And he's packed and prepared to stay until April or May.

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Are You Hooked?

When we put that first piece of siding up, I got so excited, I felt like a magic wand was going to twirl, and the Momplex would be done - at least on the outside - in mere moments!

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