Tri-fold Floor Screen

Any of these:


Ponderosa Floor Screen, $480 (Seriously, World Market??)


Bamboo Folding Screen, $200


Plantation Shutter Floor Screen, $300


Thank you, Ana!!


Sun, 11/21/2010 - 14:39

I saw a DIY bamboo folding screen a few years ago that was super easy to make. The lady went and bought cheap bamboo placemats and nailed them into place on the backside of the wood frame. If I can find the link, I'll share it. But basically if you find the placemats, then you can measure the frames to fit and go from there.


Sun, 11/21/2010 - 14:45

I couldn't find that particular site but I did find this, Folding Screens that makes it sound like you can use a 1/4 sheet of plywood and just frame it out with 1x2's or whatever and then spray glue the bamboo to the board. The site I'm remembering though used the placemats that were strips of bamboo so you could still kinda see light thru it.


Sun, 11/21/2010 - 17:49

Oooooh, love the bamboo placemat idea!!!  Awesome!  Thanks! 


Dear World Market,


I love your bamboo placemats.  I do NOT love your bamboo tri-fold screens.


Hee hee!!!  Laugh

Tsu Dho Nimh

Mon, 11/22/2010 - 03:19

Look for rolls of bamboo or reed fencing, cut to width, sandwich it between 2 frames made of 1x3 or whatever.


|o|   (  | is the 1x3 of whatever framing, o is the bamboo) 


The tricky part is the hinging. You can find 2-way hinges.