Rustic Bench ?? (To go with rustic table)

Submitted by Jenni1026 on Thu, 12/15/2011 - 19:05

Hello Everyone ! Im getting ready to start on my first rustic table this weekend and couldnt seem to find the plans for the bench thats included in the picture along with the rustic table (its the real pretty table and bench seen here

Can some one help me out ??



Fri, 12/16/2011 - 12:35

To build what those plans purport to show for the bench would be quite involved. That design is made to look like it has a through-tenon. They aren't terribly difficult to cut, but significantly more advanced than anything else shown on this site.

A bench is essentially just a smaller table though. You could take the table plans and reduce dimensions appropriately to get a happy result. Looks like height and width are all you really need to shrink. Height is easy to get by measuring to the bottom of the back of your knee.