After organizing my junk drawer successfully, I felt confident and inspired to tackle some more cabinet storage. And of course, first up, what to do with all the princess plates, lunchroom trays and sippy cups with missing lids.

- 1 - 1x6 @ 8 feet long
- 1 - 2x2 @ 4 feet long
- scrap 1/4" plywood
- 21" Drawer Slides
Cut to fit your cabinets.
Please read through the entire plan and all comments before beginning this project. It is also advisable to review the Getting Started Section. Take all necessary precautions to build safely and smartly. Work on a clean level surface, free of imperfections or debris. Always use straight boards. Check for square after each step. Always predrill holes before attaching with screws. Use glue with finish nails for a stronger hold. Wipe excess glue off bare wood for stained projects, as dried glue will not take stain. Be safe, have fun, and ask for help if you need it. Good luck!
Step 1
The first thing you need to do is measure the opening of your cabinets and the depth of your cabinets. Mine had a clearance opening (the hinges took up a little room too) of 14 1/2". Remember that your drawer slides also take up 1" all for both, so that's a total drawer width of 13 1/2". To be safe, I made mine 13" wide, and cut 2 1x6s to this length. Then I measured the depth of the opening. Mine was 22 3/4" deep. So I cut the 2x2s to the depth of the cabinet and then cut the two 1x6s to this measurement minus 1 1/2" - so for me, 21 1/4". I then cut the 1/4" plywood to 13" x 22 3/4".
Step 2
Step 3
Because these cheapo drawer slides (that actually work really well and are quite strong) are side/bottom mount, you can get away with just tacking 1/4" plywood to the bottom. The weight of the drawer contents sits right on the slides. I attached the two drawer parts of the slides to the bottom of the drawer as shown above.
Step 4
Step 6
It is always recommended to apply a test coat on a hidden area or scrap piece to ensure color evenness and adhesion. Use primer or wood conditioner as needed.
Marsa (not verified)
Mon, 03/21/2011 - 23:17
Wooden drawer pullout cabinet organizer
This is a fabulous Idea! I have wanted them for my cabinets but to have them done is outrageous. I am SO going to do this! Thank you Ana
Jeanne Miller (not verified)
Mon, 03/21/2011 - 23:20
lazy suzan cupboard?
We have a lazy Suzan style cupboard in our kitchen. I love the amount of room in it, but that shelf never stays up so I want to pull it out again. I was wondering if you might have some ideas about how to make it more functional?
Tue, 03/22/2011 - 05:28
I've done this before in our previous house... and really need to do it in this house for the tupperware lids! So nice to have a clear picture of how to make it work smoothly!
Brilliant... now to see if I have any wood to build a box with!
Tue, 03/22/2011 - 05:44
cabinet color
we are remodeling our house so we are going to need stain for all kinds of things: doors, trim, etc and now that I found your site: I need it for furniture! Our cabinets and vanities are maple; one company calls is Sandelwood. They look really similar to yours, at least in the picture. I am having the toughest time matching up stain to it! Help!
BTW, love the drawers! :-D
Tue, 03/22/2011 - 06:02
I didn't even know I needed
I didn't even know I needed this until I saw it! One step ahead, as usual, Ana!
Tue, 03/22/2011 - 06:11
You read my mind!
OK Ana - you must have read my mind. I am building a craft room - and want to put in drawer slides - this came at the perfect time!!! Thank you so much!
Tue, 03/22/2011 - 06:14
where did you get the drawer glides?
I had wanted to do this in my cabinets, but the only drawer glides I saw (at Lowe's--we don't have HD near us) were around $25. Where did you get some for $4?
Guest (not verified)
Tue, 03/22/2011 - 18:17
Got mine from Home Depot
It does depend on the length but I just bought 22 inch ones for 7.48. They had some that were MUCH more - around $25 - but you don't need all the hoopla that comes with it. I got mine at Home Depot but Lowe's and Home Depot are owned by competing brothers so I am surprised that they would have prices so different even if there isn't competition in your area.
Thu, 03/24/2011 - 15:44
Thank you
I found the ones online at HD that you're talking about. I think I'll print that out and take to Lowe's. Maybe they have some comparable ones that I couldn't find when I was there.
In reply to where did you get the drawer glides? by songbirdfeeder
Thu, 03/24/2011 - 12:32
I found some at Lee Valley Tools
Though Lee Valley Tools only has stores in Canada, they do offer online shopping. Right now, there is a no shipping fee deal on until March 28. You can find all kinds of drawer slides ... the standard kitchen slides hold about 55lbs which is more than I need. The prices for a 21" (550 mm) set of slides range from $4.80-$6.00 depending on how many you buy. If you live in a rural area like me where there is no Orange or Blue or much of anything within a 30-45 minute drive, online is the way to go!
Thu, 03/24/2011 - 15:39
Thanks judym
Maybe because I'm in the US, the free shipping is only on orders of $40 or more. I don't need that many slides. The shipping for up to $20 will be $8.50. Even though the closest HD is a ways away, it might still be cheaper for me to do that. But I appreciate your help!
Guest (not verified)
Sat, 04/09/2011 - 09:13
Wood drawer pulls
We bought ours at Lowes on isle 4 last night for I think 5.50 a piece hope this helps!
In reply to where did you get the drawer glides? by songbirdfeeder
Tomboy Lisa
Mon, 04/25/2011 - 10:32
Drawer Glides
I was at my Habitat for Humanity Restore and saw some recently. They are an awesome resource for your "rebuilding" products.
Tue, 03/22/2011 - 06:49
Thank you!!
Thank you thank you thank you!! I have been waiting for this. You are awesome. I am going to build it this weekend. You have saved me a a pile of money. Store bought ones are $100 each.
Jenny graddy (not verified)
Tue, 03/22/2011 - 06:49
love drawers everywhere
thanks! I have been saving drawer slides from furniture and now can get motivated to use them for this!!
Sarah R. (not verified)
Tue, 03/22/2011 - 06:53
I have been thinking of this
I have been thinking of this very thing as of late! I desperately need an accessable drawer for my kids to retrieve their own cups, plates, etc. Awesome Ana--thanks so much!!
Tue, 03/22/2011 - 06:55
Thank You!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I have wanted to know how to do this forever! I have been watching your site faithfully in hopes of finding just this. (Of course, I've fought several other projects along the way, too:) I don't comment often, so, while I'm at it; I LOVE your site, thank you so much for all you do.
Janey (not verified)
Tue, 03/22/2011 - 07:20
Thank you!
I have been planning to figure this out for myself for a long time now, but you've taken the guesswork out of it for me, Ana! Yay! It's actually cheaper than I thought it was going to be. My bathroom cabinets are in dire need of these drawers. Now that I think about it, the kitchen cabinet would be great with them too. Now I have no other reason to procrastinate doing it. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! And my cabinets thank you.
cate (not verified)
Tue, 03/22/2011 - 07:30
Can you come up with an
Can you come up with an organizer for a blind corner PLEASE. I REALLY need one.
Ellie (not verified)
Tue, 03/22/2011 - 08:52
Love, the drawers, need about
Love, the drawers, need about 20. Grace is the most beautiful project that you made!
Tue, 03/22/2011 - 10:47
Oh, Wow
My to do list just keeps getting longer. I have a 'kid cupboard' where whenever you open the door, something falls out. This would be a perfect fix. Thank you!
Guest (not verified)
Tue, 03/22/2011 - 12:07
Guest (not verified)
Tue, 03/22/2011 - 12:09
I was just asking my husband to show me how to install drawer slides. Now I can do it all on my own! Thanks Ana, I love your new website and visit it daily!
Ulrike (not verified)
Tue, 03/22/2011 - 12:19
Very nice!
I've been thinking about doing something like this for my pots & pans. I wouldn't have thought to use 2x2s. Glad you posted this.
Lynn Peters (not verified)
Wed, 03/23/2011 - 03:12
Love these!
As always, you are awesome!
Thu, 03/24/2011 - 12:38
Yay - something I can work on until the snow goes!
I've been wanting to work on this project for some time now, but until now did not feel confident (or have instructions as clear as yours!). As the snow and temperatures continue to fall and fluctuate here in rural Alberta, it may still be some time yet before I can work outside. This project is actually feasible in my small garage ... and this is something for which I can enlist the help of my kids (who will be off for Spring Break for the next 10 days and will need activities to keep them busy!). Thank you!
Sherrie Bowen (not verified)
Fri, 03/25/2011 - 12:33
Wha if top shelf is only half as deep as the bottom?
All my base cabinets have a top shelf that is half as deep as the bottom, do you think it would still work?
Fri, 03/25/2011 - 15:17
I've got a tape measurer at my side and am going to take measurements right now!
I see a new home for the lids to my pots and pans!!!
Fri, 03/25/2011 - 20:01
Perfect for a re-purpose
I have a beautiful mission style entertainment center. I am considering mounting my tv on the wall and for the past 2 weeks have been trying to figure out how to refit the shelving underneath with drawers (which currently house CDS and DVD player, etc.). I am running out of DVD movie shelving elsewhere and felt like drawers here would solve my problem and I would be re-purposing a piece of furniture I love! THANK YOU!
Fri, 04/01/2011 - 23:22
Blind Corner / Lazy Susan to come??
Ditto the above request. I soooooo need to do something with a deep, dark, corner kitchen cupboard.
I actually put an old drawer from my neighbor's kitchen remodel (they were throwing out our exact cupboards! hmmm... couldn't mean they're shabby, could it?) and just placed it on the bottom shelf. For a while I considered gluing a frame around it on the cabinet base so it would come out straight, as I saw the $25 slides and about fell over! Now I will definitely look for slides. And it's MUCH heavier than your rendition, which would work so much better. Repurposing only goes so far! ;)
Thanks for all you do, Ana.
Mon, 05/02/2011 - 21:12
I found heavy duty drawer slides for $3 at our local Restore. Yeah!
Fri, 11/25/2011 - 00:04
Love Habitat for Humanity's Restore :)
Me too! I love Habitat for Humanity's ReStore :)
Mon, 04/11/2011 - 07:32
Getting Started
Hi Ana!! I am sitting here figuring out what I need to get for my cabinet project. I have a cut list ready to go. But I can't seem to find the Getting Started page that you suggest reading at the beginning of the instructions. Maybe I don't know where to look for it. Also didn't you used to have a post about how to select wood and where to find what you're looking for?
In reply to Getting Started by nikiley
Mon, 04/11/2011 - 09:44
On the home page
I think both of the pages you are looking for can be found on the home page. There is as drop down menu under "How To..." near the top of the page. Hope that helps!
debbie (not verified)
Thu, 06/16/2011 - 08:33
drawer pull outs
I love this!!1 I need this desperately for my pots and pans drawer.
Wed, 01/14/2015 - 00:19
The shelf must come first?
I looked in the comments, but didn't see any solution for cabinets that do not have a shelf :( My bathroom cabinets for example desperately need sliding drawers / organizers and this project actually seems affordable & do-able! However, I was so excited by finding this tutorial and really excited while finding deals, sales, pre-used, scrap supplies,etc - that I completely overlooked a major obstacle. My cabinets do not have shelves or brace supports or anything at all actually. So ... should I now go look up how to add a shelf to a cabinet? I'm assuming the shelf must come first since the 2x2's get attached to the shelf - is there any certain way this shelf needs to be? Sorry for all the questions - the term newbie doesn't even begin to cover it. Thanks in advance for any & all help with this :)
In reply to The shelf must come first? by glassbycass
Ana White
Wed, 01/14/2015 - 13:37
No Shelf Required for Pull Out Drawers
Hi! I actually think pull out drawers are even easier if you don't have an existing shelf. You'll just attach your drawer slide cabinet members directly to the cabinet itself (no 2x2 blocks are required).
If you have a euro style cabinet (meaning there is no frame on the front of the cabinet) you would just attach to the inside of the sides of the cabinet (just make sure the drawer will pass the hinges, if not you'll need to shim the drawer slides in ward with maybe a 1x2 on the hinge side - scroll through this post http://ana-white.com/2013/12/momplex/drawers-closet-tower for images)
If you have a face frame, you can attach the drawer slides directly to the face frame and the back of the cabinet - here's an example http://ana-white.com/2013/12/momplex/kitchen-cabinet-drawers-metabox- you don't need to use those slides)
Hope all this helps!
Wed, 01/14/2015 - 17:52
More than impressed with your quick and informative response :-D I think you are officially my hero! You are not only handy, talented and inspirational - you are kind and helpful! Thank you thank you thank you!
Wed, 01/14/2015 - 17:52
More than impressed with your quick and informative response :-D I think you are officially my hero! You are not only handy, talented and inspirational - you are kind and helpful! Thank you thank you thank you!