My son asked me to build him a narrow desk for his bedroom, with lots of drawers. This desk is a modified version of the Brookstone desk, with 7 drawers on the side and a pull-out writing surface (inspired by the pull out surface LadyGoats added to the Mod bar wine grid base – Gina’s pictures from her blog were really helpful!) The top measures 16 ¾ x 48 (top is a 1x12 and 1x6 edge joined with pocket holes). Lots of pocket holes on this one, because it’s stained and I didn’t want to fill nail holes. For the color we were trying to match the PB small printers desk Chestnut color. The pulls are antique bronze from Lowes. The drawers slide directly on the wood, because I knew I wouldn’t have the patience to install 8 sets of drawer slides ;) used ¾” S4S and 1x2 to hold the drawers. The drawer bottoms and the wood all got a coat of soft wax, and they slide nice and smooth. This took about 20 hours to build and finish over a long weekend. My son said he thought it looks amazing, which is the best part!

LisaTen (not verified)
Tue, 10/30/2012 - 07:09
Great job!
This looks awesome! Love those drawers, colors, handles-everything!
Tue, 10/30/2012 - 07:29
Thank you!
Thanks LisaTen! This was a fun build, especially since it was for my son, the college student :) :) (proud Mom smiles)
Sat, 11/03/2012 - 10:35
Thank you!
Thanks Gina! I'm glad you like the desk, and especially glad you added your link to the tutorial. :) I couldn't have done the pull out without it! I can't wait to see your desk, I'm sure it will look awesome!
Thu, 09/05/2013 - 07:49
width of drawer base
I think I've just found my design for my fly tying desk! I was wondering how wide you made the drawer base and how tall each drawer is?
Wed, 09/11/2013 - 02:19
Reply to Ben, width of drawer base
Hi Ben,
Sorry I'm so late replying, I just saw I had this comment. The drawer base on this is 16 1/4" wide, and each drawer is 2 3/4" tall (a 1x3 with 1/4" plywood as the bottom). I'm kind of a spreadsheet geek, so I have all the measurements and cut lists in an Excel file. If you would like to have these, please send me a message via "contact" on my profile, and I'll reply with the attachment. Thanks for commenting, glad you like the desk! :)