My husband and I loved the Squared2 Chair we saw on this site and we knew that we wanted to have this design for our dining chairs. As my building experience has increased, I thought it was time to try. This is my first chair: it is not perfectly executed, but I learned a few things along the way and I've decided to buy a few tools, too. I modified the square back pattern cut lengths explained briefly on my little blog.

Built from Plan(s)
Estimated Cost
$28 for me, using wood we already owned. $50 otherwise per Hawai'i prices.
Estimated Time Investment
Weekend Project (10-20 Hours)
Finish Used
Painted top coat: sample container of Valspar Mystique ($3, already owned) + Valspar shimmer powder ($7 new purchase) and Glidden Flat "oops" teal ($3 quart, already owned) inside squares on chair back.
Sealant/Protectant: Minwax Polycrylic ($17, already owned)
Sealant/Protectant: Minwax Polycrylic ($17, already owned)
Recommended Skill Level
Pam the Goatherd
Tue, 03/26/2013 - 07:49
Thu, 08/15/2013 - 22:47
Thank you!
Thank you for your comment, Pam! I'm sorry for the late response.