Cedar Fence Board Planter Box

Submitted by iowachap on Sat, 03/15/2014 - 19:40

Using Ana's 10 dollar raised garden planter box idea, I made my own using the cedar fence boards and then used 2 x 3 x 8 studs for the L corner supports and mid center support along with top rail. This photo is the first 3, I will have a total of 6 boxes. Will post more as I progress.

Estimated Cost
20 to 25 dollars per box
Estimated Time Investment
Afternoon Project (3-6 Hours)
Finish Used
I used 6 fence boards, 2 for each side of the 6' long runs, and 1 for each short 3' section cut in half.

I got the 6' x 5 1/2 " x 5/8 " cedar fence boards at the orange box

I used 2 x 3 x 8 boards for the corners the middle support and the top rail. I got these at the blue box

I used 2 " and 2 1/2" exterior star bit screws.

NOTE: I pre drilled holes in the fence boards and screwed all the boards to the L corner sections from the inside out, so the screws are on the inside of the box, they did not poke through the 2 x 3 boards.

Instead of trying to measure how far off the side of the board I needed to go to match the vertical 2 x 3 boards, I just cut 10 11 inch long 2 x3 sections, and then used the 2 1/2" screws and made 4 L corner pieces the shorter side I screwed the short 3 foot length fence boards too, once I had both my short sections screwed to the L corner sections, I then stood one up and screwed 2 of the 6' length boards to the L corner section. Then the other side.

Once all 4 walls were done, I would then measure 3' in the middle of the 6' long side runs, and put in an additional 2 x 3 x 11" again screwed from the inside of the box out.

Now that all the 2 x 3 x 11" L corners and side support sections were connected to the fence boards I then cut 76 1/4" 2 x3 boards one for each length run, and then 2 26" 2 x 3 sections that were all cut on 45 degree angle to complete the top rail.
Recommended Skill Level
Starter Project