My husband was thrilled to build us a new bed - it meant he got to buy a Kreg Jig. Of course, he refused to buy plain ol' pine off the shelf at the Big Box stores and just HAD to buy the solid red oak from our local lumber yard. (So much for keeping the costs low. Oh well.) It's stunning and I love it. If it weren't for Ana's plans for this, we'd be settling for some hunk of junk off Craigslist or, worse, one of those furniture chains. For still roughly half the cost of something out of a store, this is a far superior bed frame and will last forever.
My hubby's no stranger to using power tools, but this still took him a few weekends due to life and letting the stain/finish set. He still has to attach the quarter-round, which he broke out the router to customize himself, but I was super impatient and told him to finish the base and put the trim on later. I'll try to remember to update this when that happens.
He also found the Queen Anne style legs off http://www.osbornewood.com/