We had some unused space behind our front door and not enough room in the entryway closet. So we found a mud room plan and... voilà. We now have a place for backpacks, jackets, and shoes. We still need to put in the "T" into the bottom cubby for a shoe tree. We made sure to add 1/4 round trim to snug it seemlessly against the wall and 1/2 round for the face.

Estimated Cost
$100 plus knobs (Hobby Lobby 6 @ $5) and 2 hooks.
Estimated Time Investment
Weekend Project (10-20 Hours)
Finish Used
Snow fall paint and primer all in one from Home Depot
Recommended Skill Level
Wed, 05/28/2014 - 20:42
We didn't back with
We didn't back with wainscoting; however, we taped it out with frogs tape and painted vertical stripes instead. The kids race to sit down and put on their shoes. Love it :)
Ana White Admin
Thu, 05/29/2014 - 11:04
Super Cute!
Great job and super use of space!