The plastic cover that came with the fan looked cheap and flimsy and really didn't fit in with the vintage style of my bathroom. I searched around to try and find something else that would work but was unsuccessful so I decided that I needed to make something myself.
For details on how to build it:…

Estimated Cost
Estimated Time Investment
An Hour or Two (0-2 Hours)
Finish Used
Spray paint primer followed by two coats of my ceiling paint
Recommended Skill Level
Starter Project
Steven (not verified)
Tue, 02/28/2012 - 06:38
A-Ha Moment
Thanks lbrown, you just gave me an idea. We are painting our entire upstairs and hate those industrial looking air return vents. This would be a great replacement for them. Thanks for the inspiration.
Thu, 03/01/2012 - 12:52
that looks so great1 I'm
that looks so great1 I'm stealing this idea!