Made these rustic style bedside tables for my master bedroom. I used the Reclaimed Wood Bedside Tables plan, but modified it to make it a little wider- to 24" top width. I wished the plan had exact plans for the drawers, but I made do without them, and all in all, they turned out fantastic! I used pretty heavy duty 100 lb drawer slides, and used 1x6's for the entire drawer square (backer board for the bottoms). I wanted the slides to be able to handle the extra weight, plus all my books etc that will fill the drawers. I used standard spruce/pine from the store, but ripped my own 2x2's and 1x2's from 2x4's and 1x4's. I liked the crosscut look to stay, so I only sanded them minimally. The hardest part was putting on the top from underneath, as I didn't want my tops to have the nail holes in them, but my trusty brad-nailer came to my rescue!
It was a good day or two project by the time I got them built, stained (with Minwax Espresso), and sealed with (Minwax Poly-Acrylic).

Sat, 05/13/2023 - 00:06
Brilliantly executed!
Brilliantly executed!