My grandfather built the base for this table decades ago. I never got to know him because I was very young when he passed. I told my mom that I loved this table and she gave it to me under the condition that we split it into two pieces. I get the base and she gets the top. That way I can build 2 tables from this and we can both keep the memory.
I made a new table top from Brazilian Mahogany and painted the base that was made from pine. Soon I will be making a new base to attach to the old table top and send it to my mother.
Minwax Antique Oil Finish is awesome. I have trouble with finishing and this worked like a dream. No stain was used.

Estimated Cost
Estimated Time Investment
Day Project (6-9 Hours)
Finish Used
Minwax Antique Oil Finish, Foam Brush
Recommended Skill Level