T's play kitchen

Submitted by Abby721 on Sat, 07/19/2014 - 21:38

I built this play kitchen for my daughter's second birthday during my newborn son's short naps or often with him strapped to me in his baby carrier. I spent more money on higher quality wood to save myself time and effort sanding the wood down. I splurged on a drinking faucet as it was the perfect size and a mini version of my real kitchen faucet. I used magnets on the fridge doors and oven door and a simple ribbon to prevent the oven door from opening too wide. I have built a few things befor-shelves, table, baby gate but consider myself a beginner who is still learning a lot about woodworking.

Estimated Cost
Estimated Time Investment
Weekend Project (10-20 Hours)
Finish Used
Dutch Boy Hawaiian Sky Paint
Recommended Skill Level