Weatherly Sectional

We had extra space in the backyard and I always wanted somewhere cozy to sit. Of course, the 'conversation' sets you find in stores were out of our price range so we turned to Ana!!

The whole project took a long weekend to complete - including shopping, cutting, sanding and putting it together. The cushions took a bit longer because they were custom made.

The project was much easier than I expected and the result is fantastic (in my opinion, of course!). I can't believe we actually built a piece of furniture!!

Thanks Ana!

Estimated Cost
$350 plus cushions
Estimated Time Investment
Weekend Project (10-20 Hours)
Finish Used
None yet - am considering let it grey naturally.
Recommended Skill Level



Fri, 08/23/2013 - 16:03

Beautiful build. Love, love, love the two tables and lantern. Totally staged so pretty. And those cushions! Gorgeous!!! Will you please share where you got the fabric for the throw pillows and the names if you know them?