Two Drawer/Shelf Modern Nightstand

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Make a modern nightstand inspired by Land of Nod Monarch! Free DIY plans!

Okay, so Haven really was that cool ... 


There was one special blog friend that wasn't there.

I know, I am too sad.

But I feel quite lucky that Jaime and I get to work together online all the time!  I know, I am a lucky girl!

This time, Jaime and I teamed up to make a nightstand for her Girl #1's bedroom.  

Jaime and I worked on the plans together for the nightstand - and the plans follow so you can make a modern nightstand yourself at home ...

But I will not be offended if you are more interested in Jaime's amazing DIY headboard or that beautiful ruffly skirt!

So if I haven't lost you yet - here's the nightstand plans!

PS - I still owe you an awesome Haven post!

Dimensions are shown above.


Shopping List

½ sheet (4x4) of ¾” plywood, ripped in direction of grain in 15 ¾” wide pieces
½ sheet of ¼” plywood
2 – 1x2 @ 8 feet long
2 – 1x4 @ 6 feet long
1 – 1x6 @ 3 feet long
1 ¼” PH screws
1 ¼” finish nails
Drawer hardware
2 – 14” white euro style drawer slides, bottom corner mount

Cut List

4 – 1x2 @ 4” (both ends cut at 10 degrees off square, ends ARE parallel to each other)
2 – 1x2 @ 15” (both ends cut at 10 degrees off square, ends NOT parallel to each other)
2 – 1x2 @ 13 ¾”

1 – ¾” plywood 15 3/4” x 19 ½”
2 – ¾” plywood 15 ¾” x 21”
2 – 1x2 @ 18”
2 – ¾” plywood @ 15 ¾” x 18”
1 – ¼” plywood @ 19 ½” x 21 ¾”

4 – 1x4 @ 14 ¾”
4 – 1x4 @ 15 ½”
2 – ¼” plywood @ 17” x 14 ¾”
2 – 1x6 @ 17 ¾”*

Plan assumes your 1x6 boards are 5 ½” wide

Tape Measure
Speed Square
Safety Glasses
Hearing Protection
Kreg Jig
Circular Saw
Miter Saw
Brad Nailer
Power Sander
General Instructions

Please read through the entire plan and all comments before beginning this project. It is also advisable to review the Getting Started Section. Take all necessary precautions to build safely and smartly. Work on a clean level surface, free of imperfections or debris. Always use straight boards. Check for square after each step. Always predrill holes before attaching with screws. Use glue with finish nails for a stronger hold. Wipe excess glue off bare wood for stained projects, as dried glue will not take stain. Be safe, have fun, and ask for help if you need it. Good luck!


Step 1

Drill ¾” PHs facing upwards as well in front/back aprons for later attaching to base of cabinet.

Step 2

Don’t forget to drill the ¾” PHs facing upward to attach to base of cabinet later on.

Step 3

Now we just build a box.

Step 4

Trim between drawers. Remember, this plan is sized for 1x6 that measure 5 1/2" wide.

Step 5

Step 6

Back trim gets added.

Step 7

Now build two drawers.

Step 8

Insert drawers with metal slides.

Step 9

And add drawer faces.

Step 10

Finally attach bottom!

Step 11

And then the back.

Step 12

Jaime put together a step by step post with lots of building tips and tricks that you must check out.

Step 13

And Jaime was kind enough to share her step by step finish tutorial as well!

Finishing Instructions
Preparation Instructions
Fill all holes with wood filler and let dry. Apply additional coats of wood filler as needed. When wood filler is completely dry, sand the project in the direction of the wood grain with 120 grit sandpaper. Vacuum sanded project to remove sanding residue. Remove all sanding residue on work surfaces as well. Wipe project clean with damp cloth.

It is always recommended to apply a test coat on a hidden area or scrap piece to ensure color evenness and adhesion. Use primer or wood conditioner as needed.


obxbchgrl (not verified)

Tue, 09/04/2012 - 14:30

I am "working" with my dad to build two of these nightstands for my
apartment. (Dad is a builder, I like to make him feel needed since his "baby" is in her 30s now. Oh and I am his baby!) Anywho, as part of our agreement, I went and priced everything out. It was going great until I found out my local lumberyard doesn't carry 3/4 plywood. The closest they had was 23/32. Would that make a huge difference? Also, when you say 1 1/4" PH screws, what # do I need? #8, #10, #12? I know my dad could easily answer these questions, but I would like to have some knowledge before we start! Thanks so much!

Richard (not verified)

Sun, 12/30/2012 - 08:17

Now that I have time to make things my wife said why don't you make a night stand so i searched for the plans and this one looks nice so I will try it.