
My Projects

My To-Do List

My name is Bob and my shop is located in a small town called Plainfield outside Indianapolis, IN.

I am a high school English teacher and varsity football coach. I like to think that I started teaching to support my carpentry habit. When I began my teaching career in 1997, I used my summers to complete some deck and fence projects for friends. Well, that has turned into a nice little side business over the past decade.

I have been woodworking my whole life. Some of my favorite memories as a child involve sitting in my great grandfather's small work shed and watching him turn wood on his lathe while smoking his pipe. That ancient craftsman lathe now sits on a shelf in my basement collecting dust, but I still make good use of his 1960's radial arm saw and my grandfathers vintage drill press.

While most of my projects are home improvement projects for customers, I do find time to build furniture and such every now and again. This is where my true love of woodworking lies...inhaling the dust in my small garage workshop while smoking my pipe.

-- Bob -- Plainfield

-- Bob, Indiana, "Well done is better than well said." -Ben Franklin