We made this loft bed for my daughter's 4th birthday. I did all of the cuts, sanding, and painting on my own, and had my husband help me with the assembly of the bed. It took us 2 full days to complete this build. The sanding and painting was the most tedious part of the project. I think it cost us about $150 for all of the lumber, paint, screws, etc.
My daughter's really into playing with 18" dolls right now, so I decided to make a mini version of her loft bed for her dolls. I think it turned out really well and she absolutely loves it! The doll sized loft bed only cost about $15 to make (including wood, foam for the mattress and fabric). You can't beat that price for a wooden doll bed...and what little girl wouldn't love a matching bed for her dolls?!?!
I'm so happy with how both beds turned out!

Tue, 08/20/2013 - 18:32
This looks awesome! Love the pink on the steps. And the matching doll bed, how cute is that?! :) Great job!
Wed, 08/21/2013 - 09:51
I agree with every thing JoanneS said! :)