With much needed seating in the mudroom, an unused space (nook) was used to build a mudroom bench and shelf. No plans were used. I basically looked on-line and mentally drew up an idea of how I wanted the final product to look.
There were some setbacks such as not like the knock down textured walls (after partially painting the bench). I ended up covering the textured walls with hardboard and repainted.
A bench cushion was made for added comfort and style.
Complete tutorial for the bench is here and the bench cushion tutorial is here.
Thank you.

Built from Plan(s)
Estimated Time Investment
Weekend Project (10-20 Hours)
Finish Used
Behr Ultra (paint and primer in one) in ultra white finish.
Recommended Skill Level
Sun, 02/24/2013 - 08:28
Looks wonderful!! Great job!
Sun, 02/24/2013 - 18:02
Thank you! :)
Thank you! :)
Thu, 05/16/2013 - 13:48
Mudroom Bench
Thank you so much for the idea and plan. I used it to turn an extra laundry room that we have off of our garage into a much needed mudroom. The most challenging project I have ever done before is hanging blinds. But with your help and some from the Home Depot employees, I did it! Our family is more than happy with it. Thanks!!!
Sun, 08/25/2013 - 22:28
Thank YOU so much! I would love to see a picture of your new mudroom area. :) I am happy the plans helped and of course Home Depot. ;)
Sorry for my delayed response. :(
Sun, 08/25/2013 - 22:28
Thank YOU so much! I would love to see a picture of your new mudroom area. :) I am happy the plans helped and of course Home Depot. ;)
Sorry for my delayed response. :(