I loved every part of this project! I did it all by myself except for having the nice man at Home Depot cut all of the pieces for me (thank you tony! :) ). I had to buy all of the tools and found what I needed at a local flea market, and spent no more that $15 each tool. It was great. I have enough left over scrap lumber to build a coffee table of some sort next. Thank you so much for the plans, they were super easy to read and follow! I was able to find cushions at Home Depot as well, although they are not displayed in the picture since i love the stained wood so much. Since it is fall they were marked down to only $25/each which is a HUGE discount from previously being $90. The cost of the cushions will be the most expensive part of this project for sure, so make sure you can find what you want first before you get into this project if you have a strict budget for it!

Tue, 10/23/2012 - 09:49
Looks amazing
you did an awesome job, and love the stain! I myself cant draw a sraight line... i was interested in having someone build this for me, curious if you would be interested in building sofa, 2 chairs, 2 endtables and coffee table? Located in texas.. thanks