These outdoor planter steps are easy to make and could also work as outdoor benches. Free plans by ANA-WHITE.com

NOTE: Use materials appropriate for exterior use, if on ground, use materials appropriate for ground contact.
6 - 2x8 @ 8 feet long
4 - 2x4 @ 8 feet long
2 - 2x6 @ 10 feet long
2-3/4" deck screws
BOTTOM STEP (NOTE: For bottom step rise to match top step rise, swap 2x8s in bottom step for 2x6s)
2 - 2x8 @ 96"
5 - 2x8 @ 18"
1 - 2x8 @ 96"
4 - 2x8 @ 18"
2 - 2x8 @ 21"
1 - 2x8 @ 54"
3 - 2x4 @ 7-1/2"
8 - 2x4 @ 14-1/2" - cut to fit
8 - 2x4 @ 22 -1/2" both ends cut at 45 degrees, long point to long point measurement
4 - 2x6 @ 54"
Step 1
Build bottom step out of 2x8s screwing together with self tapping deck screws.
I used 2x8s for the bottom steps, but this does make the bottom step 1-1/2" taller than the upper step. Since we are growing grass around our base, I was ok with this difference. If you need your steps to match, you can use 2x6s for the bottom step instead.
Wed, 06/05/2019 - 17:12
What kind of a base would…
What kind of a base would you recommend for me to add another layer to this to make it taller and closer to 24".
Thanks so much for your help on this
Thu, 07/01/2021 - 12:05
Ana, we have a concrete back…
Ana, we have a concrete back porch 19' long that I would like to use this plan for. I would like to lengthen the steps out so not to create a steep step. I'm thinking 4 steps would cover it.
Could you help me adapt this to cover that length and size? I'm thinking maybe 2 sets of steps 8 ft wide with planters in middle and the 2 ends?
Greatly appreciate you and your site!!