Here's how to rip plywood with a circular saw! This super easy to make jig will help you make straight rip cuts with your circular saw.
How to build and use it with video tutorial and step by step plans and diagrams from
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Shopping List
- 1/4" plywood or underlayment, at least 8 feet long x 12" wide
- 1x3 board, 8 feet long
- 3/4" brad nails or stapler
- wood glue
- two small clamps
- Scrap wood or foam pieces for elevating your plywood
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Using the Jig
To use the jig, mark your wood desired to be cut on both ends.
Elevate up on scrap wood boards or foam.
Clamp the jig to match the pencil marks, with the jig placed OVER the piece of wood you are keeping. The saw will run over the scrap piece.
Set the saw blade depth so it's 1/4" past the depth of the material to cut and the jig base thickness.
Run the saw along the 1x3, on top of the jig, holding the saw level as you go.
Project Type
Seasonal And Holiday