distressing old plywood

I have a gorgeous piece of old plywood that i want to use as a wall panel. I have tried painting black, then white and sanding. not liking it. it's a beautiful weathered gray but not what i want, I want it light colored. I'm at a loss on how to even start, test pieces make me unhappy. Any ideas?


Thu, 09/22/2011 - 12:16

Usually old plywood is self-distressing unless it's been sealed properly.

You should probably discuss the project with somebody at your local paint store, because they'll know exactly what products and techniques you can use to get what you want.

In general though, you would start with an off-white color, then wipe or brush a thin darker glaze over the top of that, and wipe it off. It will leave enough of its color behind to stain the finish, making it look weathers, without concealing it.

Another option that some chair makers use is to paint two layers of paint on in different colors. The traditional favorite is milk paint. The surface is then buffed unevenly with burlap to gently wear away only one layer, leaving the other layer beneath showing.