We are poorer than poor which I am sure some of you can relate to. This means I have been looking longingly at Ana's site for more than a year now with no hopes of ever getting anything of my own started. But, I borrowed my brother in laws tools. I started small and sold some stuff and now I am building (still slowly) with 100% money earned by my new craft, talent, and sweat! This means I only get to build something for me every two projects or so, but feels AWESOME not to be taking from a very tight monthly budget.
I sold everything in my daughters room that counted as storage to help along the process. So she has needed this for a while now. I am so excited that it turned out looking so well. It was a pretty easy build and I am so happy. She loves it too. THANKS ANA!
I extended the sides from the original plan so that it was all open and then designed a footboard. I'll post the plans for that extension.

Sat, 06/18/2011 - 12:55
Good for you!
So exciting that you paid for this bed from profits from other builds! I'd love to do that myself, and seeing this post is such an inspiration!
jeannemomof5 (not verified)
Sat, 06/18/2011 - 13:29
I do relate to this post, but just the first part. Poorer than poor and looking at the sight longingly. In fact, I haven't been on here for awhile because it just makes me antsy and frustrated.
I would love to get some tools. I told my sister in law that my brother should just gift me some of the old ones he wants to sell, in repayment for all of the back scratches and sunburn peelings I did for him. Haven't heard back about that yet :) But he lives a long way away so I could buy some cheaper than the gas prices to go get them :)
Sat, 06/18/2011 - 13:57
you must be so proud!
now THAT is what i call being a good steward(ess) of your money; and your daughter must be ecstatic to have her own beautiful bed!
Sat, 06/18/2011 - 20:07
It turned out amazing - you should be so proud.
Sat, 06/18/2011 - 20:15
Your daughter must be so happy! It turned out beautiful! Great job!
Jaci (not verified)
Sat, 06/18/2011 - 22:31
Thanks for the inspiration
Thanks for the inspiration and congratulations on a great project!
Sun, 06/19/2011 - 02:53
Waiting for your plans!
Love your take on a storage bed. I'd been thinking about making a few adjustments to take the storage off the end of the beds. Looking forward to them.
Sun, 06/19/2011 - 06:58
can definitely relate...
I LOVE the headboard, i still have plans to do this in the near future...what a lucky girl!
Ana White
Sun, 06/19/2011 - 11:43
Truly your determination
Truly your determination touched my heart. Thank you for inspiring us all!
Guest (not verified)
Sun, 06/19/2011 - 18:47
YOU should be very proud!.. This is very ecclectic, chic, elegant.. multipurpose grow with you bed.. AND YOU did it.. Awesome... !!! I bet your daughter is very happy with her bed....
I love the headboard.. Ingenious.. i've been thinking on how to integrate the tufted look with Ana's plans.. And now i have you to thank for the Inspiration....
Mon, 06/20/2011 - 10:36
Your candor and honesty about your situation really hit home with me .. though I suspect there are more than just a few of us struggling along. Thank you for sharing and proving again that it IS possible. Your daughter is fortunate to have such a great role model (and such an awesome bed and room!). Thanks for sharing - truly inspiring! And thanks again to Ana for helping us all to expand our roles as home-MAKERS!
Mon, 06/20/2011 - 12:51
I am so touched that everyone took time to look at my little project, and obviously read my story. Thank you all for such encouraging words. I LOVE that Ana has enabled us all to be a little "family" in our venture out of our comfort zones.
Will (not verified)
Tue, 12/04/2012 - 15:41
Hi redhead_61, I love the
Hi redhead_61,
I love the projects you have posted on here and think it is amazing that you now build custom projects. I have just done a couple projects and want to do more because of the thrill of seeing something and making your own creation from it. If you don't mind me asking how did you start selling your projects? Do you have a website?
Will (not verified)
Tue, 12/04/2012 - 15:42
Hi redhead_61, I love the
Hi redhead_61,
I love the projects you have posted on here and think it is amazing that you now build custom projects. I have just done a couple projects and want to do more because of the thrill of seeing something and making your own creation from it. If you don't mind me asking how did you start selling your projects? Do you have a website?
Will (not verified)
Wed, 12/05/2012 - 08:00
Hi redhead_61, I love the
Hi redhead_61,
I love the projects you have posted on here and think it is amazing that you now build custom projects. I have just done a couple projects and want to do more because of the thrill of seeing something and making your own creation from it. If you don't mind me asking how did you start selling your projects? Do you have a website?
Thu, 06/23/2011 - 17:58
You really did a great job with this. I am really impressed that you built it and did the plans! Unbelievable!! I can't wait to see your next project.
Sandi (not verified)
Fri, 06/24/2011 - 05:37
Love this bed
I have been searching for plans to make a bed for my daughter for over a month now. I found a few that would serve the purpose but were not quite what I wanted. This bed, however, is perfect! I love the storage and it seems easy enough for us girls to handle. I plan to pick up the wood tonight and make it over the weekend. Thank you for the great project.
Wed, 07/06/2011 - 18:55
great job:)
I have been longingly looking at several plans from this site for awhile myself, but we too are poorer than poor! I mean like struggling to keep toilet paper in the house not sure where the groceries will come from next week poor! BUT your post inspired me:) I'm soo glad for you that you are able to build things for yourself from the profits of other builds. Your daughter is very lucky:)
Sun, 08/07/2011 - 11:28
I Love This Headboard
Can someone give me instructions on how to make a headboard like this one?
In reply to I Love This Headboard by mkkayla
Sun, 08/07/2011 - 21:22
I just used a sheet of plywood (you could also use OSB which is cheaper) figured out my measurements and shape and then cut it out with a jigsaw. The good thing about this type is that it doesn't have to be a beautiful cut because it will be covered up. You will then need to pre drill your holes figuring out what type of design and where your buttons will be.
I used two layers of batting as my foam layer. Professionals use a thick layer of foam and spray adhesive it to the board. This could be VERY expensive depending on density and size. I had a friend tell me she used a couple of those waffle bed pads back to back (so the flat side is out) That would be cheaper and still give you some good tufted look. My buttons didn't end up indenting very much because I only used batting.
Then you cover foam with batting and then fabric and staple it all to the back of the board. Make sure to pull tight as you go and keep checking that your fabric looks good. Then you use thick thread or string or twine to thread through the back, through all the layers, through the button holes and then back through. You will need an anchor of some sort on the back to keep the thread pulled tight against the back of the board. You could use a nail, a dowel, or I just used another button because I had a bunch. You then pull as tight as you can and knot.
And then do it LOTS more times! Fairly easy but a little time consuming, but SO worth it. I used regular buttons and then hot glued big rhinestones onto them for a sophisticated bling!
Ayana (not verified)
Sun, 08/14/2011 - 19:10
I have been working on bunk
I have been working on bunk beds for my girls for over a year now. I should be done soon. I can totally relate to the money being tight. :) Beautiful bed
Jamype (not verified)
Tue, 04/17/2012 - 07:48
If nothing else, you are
If nothing else, you are certainly RICH in talent:) You did a wonderful, inspiring job, and you are teaching your daughter to be independent and resourceful. I am giving you a virtual pat on the back!
shwalton (not verified)
Sun, 01/06/2013 - 06:12
Hi! I'm so happy I found this
Hi! I'm so happy I found this because I'm in live with your design! I loved Ana's too but I didnt likehow the three benches came together and there was the block of wood on the side. Anyways, could you tell me what sized bed these dimensions are for!? It looks like a queen to me but I'd hate to second guess myself.
In reply to Hi! I'm so happy I found this by shwalton (not verified)
Sun, 01/06/2013 - 13:21
The bed pictured on here is a
The bed pictured on here is a full size mattress. However, I have since put a queen size mattress on this same frame. It still fits pretty well. I did have to pull the mattress away from the headboard, but I had never attached mine, and since I have the little curtains hanging on the sides it hides the difference well. A queen is 6 inches wider and 5 inches longer if you want to add in the difference when you build.
Wed, 09/18/2013 - 21:07
cut list
Hi! I just went and bought all of the lumber and had the cuts made at Home Depot but when I got home to assemble I had some areas of confusion...
1. I thought I might be short one 1/2 plywood cut to 12" x 78" as the list only called for one but I thought these were being used as the back to the two side cabinets
2. Do two of the four 3/4 plywood boards cut to 11.5" x 78" need to be cut to 76.5" to be used as the bottom shelf of the cabinet?
In reply to cut list by Krit_krat
Fri, 09/20/2013 - 13:49
you are right.
Yes two of the plywood cuts are to 76.5". They actually sit inside the side legs of the cabinet space. Look again at the cut list pictures on here and it will show better. THANKS. good luck