In my 70 years, this has to be the biggest project I've done. My grandson especially loves vintage airplanes; so I decided to make it look like a small vintage airport. I based this on the Clubhouse Bed, but for the steps at the end, I borrowed from the Camp Loft Bed - I added rails at the end because he felt a little uneasy when he tried the stairs. He wanted more of a clubhouse (he is special needs and likes the closed in feeling) and wanted doors and shutters so he could close everything.
Doodle is his nickname - hence "Flying Doodle Airport".
Inside is a lift up storage bench (with crate below for extra storage); a toy/book shelf unit; and his desk. He is currently using his lounge chair, but has already asked that I build him a real office chair - one that has wheels and turns around. I guess that's my next build.
This took about two weeks from start to finish.
The last photo is of the Bi-plane shelf that I built last year and didn't get to put up until now. I was ill for the entire year and was finally able to start woodworking again this year - and I am so happy. A lot of plans have been posted and I'm anxious to play "catch-up".

Pam the Goatherd
Tue, 03/19/2013 - 21:24
What a wonderful gift!
What a wonderful gift!
Wed, 03/20/2013 - 05:37
Wow, this is beautiful! You did a wonderful job. I love all of the details! I am also glad to hear that you are well again and able to do something you love. What a blessing!
Wed, 03/20/2013 - 08:13
That is one amazing bed!! I love all the little details you added! I'm sure your grandson loves it!!
Sun, 11/01/2015 - 12:47
This is beautiful! So much detail! I love this project!
Ana White
Sun, 09/01/2019 - 12:42
This is really cool!!!
This is really cool!!!