Two Girl Scout troops combined to work on the Cadette Woodworking Badge and made this birdhouse (https://www.ana-white.com/woodworking-projects/diy-birdhouse-one-cedar-…). We used cedar decking, so some adjustments needed to be made to the plan. We looked up what types of birds in our area would use different size openings. The girls had a great time and worked together to make sure everyone finished in time. My troop has built a lot of projects, but this was our sister troop's first build. They did an excellent job! So proud of their hard work and I get the feeling we'll be building more in the future!
Sarah Eiseman
Built from Plan(s)
Ana White Admin
Tue, 09/26/2023 - 08:23
Way to go girls!
Thank you for sharing, it looks like the perfect project!