I found Ana's website in my search for the desk plans, and in the process found many other wonderful plans I want to try. My goal is to make a sawhorse desk for my new home office. I need to learn all proper woodworking skills, however.
Therefore, I decided to start with this birdhouse project, which was a joy for me since I have a fascination with photographing birdhouses wherever I go. I also have fond memories of making birdhouses with my mother when I was a little girl. She did all the cutting and nailing, and I sanded and painted.
This project brought back happy memories, and my mom got a kick out of seeing photos of the finished results.
In addition, today I had the wonderful opportunity to photograph my own birdhouses!
Paint colors for the birdhouse on the left are called: Country Heather (blue), Bittersweet Stem (beige), brandywine (terracotta), and Pistachio Ice (green) for accents.
The colors of the house on the right also included Country Heather, Bittersweet Stem, and Pistachio Ice (again for accents). In addition, Buttered Hazelnut was used for the walls and roof.
I completed most of the painting prior to assembly, adding only accents such as hearts and windows post-assembly.