This is my third Ana White project and I modified it quite a bit from the plan. I was inspired by the PB Logan Collection that Ana has a knock off plan of called the Classic Storage Wall and Hutch. You can read more about the whys and hows of this project on my blog pinktoesandpowertools.wordpress.com in the Cabinet and Hutch-laundry room category under woodworking (there are currently 17 posts about this project--yowza!). But the modifications that I made from Ana's plans were that I had to make it less wide, I added two drawers in the cabinet, and I put a back on this that mimics the PB picture (which happens to be the wall behind their open-backed units, not an actual back). The base also hides a cat litter box behind it, so the back is open and the doors do NOT open--they are a fake front. No need to peek in at a litter box and it eliminated the cost of hinges. I learned A LOT during this build! First experiences were: using a circular saw, making a straight cut jig for a circular saw to cut plywood, using a jigsaw, using a compressor and nail gun, cutting crown and base molding miter cuts, tearing out base molding to fit the cabinet, cutting out an electrical outlet in the cabinet and extending the outlet, learning how to remove pneumatic nails that find their way out to the front of your project, and probably more that I can't think of now! The back isn't quite done, but it won't be too much prettier than what the picture shows, and you can see how the litter box looks. I might turn it sideways and cut out a hole in the side--haven't decided on that yet... I am really pleased with how this turned out and I'm excited to start on my next Ana White plan (probably modified, knowing me!).