Well...this was pretty much all done by me.
I am really not liking how many bad boards there are at the store. It takes forever to find a decent board. I had some of my x12s measuring closer to 11 (yes I know they aren't 12 inches).
The door is a little wonky but if it bothers me too much I will just replace it with a curtain on a tension rod.
I love the yellow and I am very proud of myself :)
I didn't have a Kreg jig (too expensive for us right now) but it would definitely have been helpful...

Built from Plan(s)
Estimated Cost
Estimated Time Investment
Day Project (6-9 Hours)
Finish Used
I can't remember the exact color...yellow in Valspar satin.
Handpainted with brush
Handpainted with brush
Recommended Skill Level
Sun, 03/31/2013 - 07:44
I run into that problem as well!!! And with two kiddos at my hip it gets more annoying to sift thru 5 boards before a good one comes up. But it's all worth it. I made this as well and and the magnetic closure made all the difference. This is really nice by the way. The color is fab!