I just finished the shelf we’ve been needing for months…a shelf to hold the nanny cam out of reach of our toddler. I didn’t want a boring shelf so I used a design I found on anawhite’s site. This should have been a quick project, but as usual things took longer that I would have liked. I used all scrap ply I had laying around. I rounded the wings and struts with my router and put in a screw that grabs the bottom of the camera and keeps it from sliding off.
The paint was leftover from the stripes I put on Braxton’s wall 18 months ago. Unfortunately, the below zero temps ruined much of the paint as it was stored in the garage…it was still good enough for this project. I angled the plane to ensure we could look down into the crib, and now we get a full view of the room as well. Overall, I think it turned out great and compliments the room nicely and only cost was time.
Apparently, it will be a short flight for the stuffed animals as my wife said the plane looks good but not so much with them on it. I guess I’ll stick to building and leave the decorating to her LOL!
-- Tommy