I modified this plan just a little on the ends, and I can not tell you how pleased I am with it! I did run into some issues with lining the boards up properly due to imperfections (and not laying the boards out ahead of time in the store because I was rushing at closing time), but in the end, I decided to add a wood filler in between the boards and everyone just raves over it. I could not imagine it having come out better. I would not do it any other way.
Thank you Ana!!
PS... I have a wonderful idea for a loft bed, but the plans are not provided. I know you would do it justice.. how do I submit the photo????

Built from Plan(s)
Estimated Time Investment
Day Project (6-9 Hours)
Finish Used
Satin, Custom mixed stain, stainable wood filler, sander.
Recommended Skill Level
Sun, 01/07/2018 - 07:22
My appologies if I'm missing it but are there build plans for this table. I would really like to build this for a friend but I'm not sure my skills will enable me to free style this. Thanks in Advance. Jeff
In reply to Plans by jeffross
Tue, 07/30/2019 - 08:01
Jeff, I do apologize for…
I do apologize for not having seen your comment! I will work on plans as soon as possible and let you know when they are available. Thank you! :)
Fri, 05/29/2020 - 11:50
Did plans over get posted for this table? Love the design. Thanks.
Sat, 05/30/2020 - 07:34
I also liked this table but…
I also liked this table but never found the plans for it. I did find a very similar table with plans at:
Looks like just the bottom of the legs are different...