Hello from Connecticut!

Submitted by donnas on Fri, 09/24/2010 - 15:23

Hi everyone,

My name is Donna and I live in Connecticut. I just came across this web site looking for some type of plan to build for my daughter a bookcase.

I found the Doll house bookcase, I'm going to give it a try. Wow! What a great web site. Lots of great things to build.




Sat, 09/25/2010 - 02:57

Good Luck with the book cases. You have to make sure to add a picture so we can all see how you did.

Kim Armstrong

Wed, 09/29/2010 - 16:12

Hi Donna,


I'm Kim and I live in Manchester, CT.  I came across this site a while ago, but have yet to try anything yet.  But I now have a connection for free pallets so I'm going to start with something easy. 


Thu, 09/30/2010 - 13:54

Hello Everyone,


Chrisandpatience, your projects are nice! I like them. I will be sure sent a picture when I am finished.


Kim, Wow! your not to far from me. I'm near Bristol CT. Have fun with your projects. Send pictures when your done. I would love to see them.


I went to Home Depot yesterday. I picked up some nice wood. Pine #2, 1x12, to start my doll house bookcase. I cut all the wood to size.

Now I am going to sand them this weekend. I would have sanded them today, but we have lots of rain and wind. So no sanding. I can't wait to work on it.

I have all these plans I want to do. I love this web site. Lots of great ideas. I will be sure to send pictures when I'm done.


Tue, 10/26/2010 - 17:34

Hi, I live in Vernon, CT.  I was wondering if there were other Ana followers in CT. I'm currently working on building the extra wide media unit and have tons of other plans I would like to build.