Greetings from California!

Submitted by Celestra on Sat, 11/06/2010 - 13:17

Hi all hope this message finds you all happy and healthy : ) I'm Celestra I'm the mother of two wonderful boys ages nine and three months (I know your curious about the age gap, I was finishing college). I'm so happy to have found this site, my oldest son absolutely loves to build; legos, rocks, scrap wood you name it he can build with it. I'm fairly adept at small home improvement jobs, but I'm no pro when it comes to woodworking. We just finished our first build today, we made two barn beam shelfs, they turned out great and I'm hoping we can make this a weekly mom and kiddo activity. 

Anyway, just wanted to take a moment to introduce myself, I look forward to many more wonderful projects. Best wishes to you and your families.