Used shelves....

Submitted by rouquinne on Wed, 04/04/2012 - 11:46

While helping prepare old computer and printers for shipping yesterday, I cam across a LARGE pile of old under-desk keyboard trays. I guess they are basically particle board covered in the same plastic material that Ikea shelving has. I was told they are all mine for the taking and there are a LOT of them!

They are also an ugly fake oak. LOL!

Do I have to use them as shelves or does anyone have any experience using stuff like this for anything else?

And do they have to remain brown or could they be roughed up and painted somehow?



Tue, 04/24/2012 - 13:08

It depends on the size and what they are made of... If they are particle board or MDF, a certain type of screw will be used and pilot holes are a necessity because this material is notorious for breaking apart. It can be done, successfully!

Also, it can be painted but a good "roughing up" and a primer such as Zinsser BIN will need to be used first. This particular primer is good for plasticky surfaces and allows the paint to stick!

Hope this helps, good luck with your project!