Our house came with a laundry room (yeah! : ) ) that had a small closet with a basic wire shelf and a door. I thought "how silly" and I knew there had to be a better use of the space. Inspired by Ana's laundry dresser I decided some shelves for dirty laundry would be better then putting it on the floor and the other shelves are nice for other things.
It took me weeks to complete because I have small children and needed them to not be near the saw or paint and I needed time for the paint to dry. Actual time was not long though. Could probably be done in a weekend (allowing paint to dry).
2 sheetes of plywood. I got 4 shelves from one sheet so I have a large leftover piece
self tapping screws
I cut the shelves with a circular saw to fit exactly then primed and painted. I found the studs and marked them at 13, 26, 39, 52, and 65 inches and then put in braces and put in a shelf. I had to do one set of braces and a shelf at a time or the next shelf wouldn't fit since it was a tight fit.
The 12" between each shelf is perfect for laundry items and other things we store there. It has made the whole laundry room feel much bigger and more organized.

Wall-Spring Bud by Benjamin Moore, similar to the lighter C11 from Olympic. A very light yellow/green
Tue, 07/05/2011 - 14:05
I never understood those wire
I never understood those wire shelves, our house is full of them! I have so much left to do. thanks for sharing!