Final verdict on the etiquette of selling?

Submitted by Louise on Sun, 04/24/2011 - 21:35

I apologize upfront if this has been covered and I've missed it; I've spent hours reading, and while I read one post from Ana about selling furniture made from the plans here, I didn't come away with a clear sense of what exactly is acceptable.

I am only in the consideration phase, but I would like to make some small pieces and sell them in a local smalltown consignment shop. There will be no websites and certainly no stolen photos. Just some small pieces in a booth at a local consignment shop. Is it ethical/acceptable/ok to build these plans and sell them like this? I would happily purchase some sort of sellers' subscription or otherwise pay for the privilege of these designs if such a thing exists.

Has a final verdict been reached regarding the etiquette of selling things built from these plans? I know it's probably largely an honor system thing, but I do try to behave ethically.


Tue, 04/26/2011 - 08:17

It would be unethical to sell somebody's plans. But there's nothing stopping you from selling something built from a plan. Any legal protection that applies to the plan does not apply to something built from the plan.


Tue, 04/26/2011 - 08:23

Hi Louise. She just asks you give her credit for the plans and maybe refer to her website. So maybe you can have a sign or stickers stating designed by Ana White built by you or refer to her website some how.