Finding Wood

Submitted by ecsorah on Thu, 07/28/2011 - 11:44

I am just getting started building from the wonderful plans that Ana has posted. I live in a fairly rural place but I also live where there are several lumber yards because of a lot of area logging and only an orange and a blue store. I have called all local lumber yards and none of them will sell to an individual. And looking at orange their quality was pretty poor at my store and blue has fairly decent quality but with almost no selection, they only carry 2x's in appearance grade or what they called paint grade and a couple small furring strip sizes(1x2 and 1x3). They do have some of the nicer lumber and by nicer I also mean much more expensive as in $16 for a 1x6x8(pine). At orange for poor quality their 1x6x8 (whitewood) was $8(which seems high). Anybody have any suggestions or anything really or am I just crazy?. Spending an hour contacting all local lumber places and having more than half hang up on me is really getting me down!


Sun, 07/31/2011 - 19:45

There should be local yards who will sell to the individual. It sounds like finding them will be more challenging than it should be. I have the luxury of living in a place with lots of yards who do counter sales (two within ten miles of my house), but I can't really help you identify those which will be friendly.

One possible option might be to find someplace which sells hardwoods. Hardwoods are sold to cabinet and furniture makers, who don't buy whole houses worth of lumber at a time.

Another option is to register a DBA with the county. That makes you a business, and gets around the restriction on selling to individuals.


Tue, 08/09/2011 - 16:47

I am sorry for posting this here but I cannot find the option to post a new thread. I want to make a wood sled but I am not sure what or how to make the rails(the ski part that curves) I am a beginner so I am not good with saws. Actually I don't need it to function. I just want it as a decor item in my house.