tool question...planer

Submitted by ehser36 on Sun, 04/06/2014 - 17:33

hi new to this site but not new to building anything with like some input on remodeling and would love to use pallet wood as flooring to save on cost..ive built with palletts before and sanding would take forever i feel...however here is my question...should i invest in a handheld planer or a tabletop one? ive used a tabletop one before and boy are they nice to have...a planer would make quick work of all the rough wood cut wood and cut down sanding big time...any input would be greatly appreciate...thanks in advance


Tue, 04/08/2014 - 07:25

A planer is the right tool for the job...but nails would wreck the blades. I wouldn't run pallet wood through my planer even if I had a metal detector.


Tue, 04/08/2014 - 07:27

A planer will do the job, but even one nail or stapler will wreck the blades in a second. I wouldn't run pallet wood through a planer.


Wed, 04/16/2014 - 14:17

I've experimented with using pallet wood and wasn't very happy with the amount of effort it took, between pulling the pallet apart and getting a decent surface. On a better made pallet you can't pull the nails without cracking the wood, so you wind up with mostly short lengths. I only got a few viable pieces.

For me it was easier and cheaper to just purchase rough lumber and plane it. Find a local lumber mill, their prices are much better than prices at a store.

If you're going to surface your own lumber you'll need a jointer as well as a planer. The jointer makes a flat reference surface on your board. The planer makes the opposite side of the board parallel to your reference serface. These are deep waters though: this is machinery that requires a fairly complex setup and maintenance, and if you don't set them up properly you won't be happy with your results. Fortunately magazines and websites like Fine Woodworking and StartWoodworking have good tutorials if you're willing to take the plunge.

Richard Belford

Wed, 04/16/2014 - 23:25

I use pallet wood for just about all my weekend builds. Its cheap (free) and if you get the pallets before they are weather it makes for a good looking wood. I use my ridgid to plan all my wood even pallet wood. Yes you need to make sure all nails and staples are removed thats a no brainer. Use a planner and stop wasting time...Good luck

Richard Belford

Wed, 04/16/2014 - 23:25

I use pallet wood for just about all my weekend builds. Its cheap (free) and if you get the pallets before they are weather it makes for a good looking wood. I use my ridgid to plan all my wood even pallet wood. Yes you need to make sure all nails and staples are removed thats a no brainer. Use a planner and stop wasting time...Good luck