Hey all, thought I might as well get a post started on this board.
What are your thoughts on the Kreg Jig? After having completed one printer stand I see the need for something to make those perpendicular joins a bit more easy and exact. I saw someone else mention the Kreg Jig and did a bit of research, and I loved what I found. However, before I take the plunge and spend ~$150 on this (though my wife and I really want to!), I wanted to maybe get some feedback from people who use it. Does it really make life that much easier on perpendicular joins? It seems to be the case from where I sit, but wanted confirmation.
Also, does anyone have any thoughts on the strength of the connection when using a Kreg Jig vs. simply counter-sinking from the other side of one board straight through the perpendicular board? With it being an angled connection and with a smaller screw, is it just as secure as sinking a screw straight into the middle of the board from the other side of the attaching board?
Thanks in advance for your thoughts - looking forward to many great builds, and sharing them all with you!
anawhite (not verified)
Mon, 08/30/2010 - 12:06
Hi DD, I have for years built by just countersinking screws. But the Kreg Jig is amazing. the joints are all square on the first try. I know there is a system, I believe the K4, that is around $100 that is essentially the same thing, without the clamps. Also, consider this - if you were climbing a rock cliff, would you put your hooks in straight, or at a downward angle? Also, when you screw directly into the end grain, it's not as strong as screwing through layers of the grain. If you can afford it, I would definitely purchase this system. I believe they also have a customer satisfaction policy, so if it doesn't meet all the hype, you can return it. But your probably won't :)
Hope this helps. Anyone else have an opinion on the Kreg Jig?
Mon, 08/30/2010 - 12:23
I bought the Kreg Jig kit that is $99 and it's been worth every penny! I love it and have used the jig for everything I've built lately. I also love their self tapping screws! Even drilling pilot holes I would split the board now and then but with the self tapping screws I haven't had that issue in a while.
Mon, 08/30/2010 - 17:39
Thanks for the thoughts, Ana and Hutchy! So the 150-buck master system might be a bit too much for our needs, it seems. I compared the different specs from the Kreg site:
And it seems like the K4 might be the way to go. I don't really need the dust collection attachment or portable clampable face, I don't think… Not YET at least!
Thanks for the replies so far! Any other thoughts?
Maria in Maui
Mon, 08/30/2010 - 18:05
I bought the Kreg Jig Jr. for around $50 at the big BLUE store. I haven't actually tried it yet, but opened it up and think I am going to go ahead and upgrade to at least the $100 one because I plan to use it a lot and hear it saves more time. It doesn't come with the clamp, and dust attachment thing, etc, like the $140 so maybe that's more what you want? I think it is exactly the same 3 hole drill guide and bits, but just doesn't come with as many accessories.
LOL, so I just re-read your above post and you have already come to this conclusion. Oops. :)
Tue, 08/31/2010 - 02:50
No worries, Maria! I appreciate your perspective on it as well. If nothing else it sealed the deal that the 100-buck option is the way we're going to go. Add onto that that I've got a $25 BLUE giftcard lying around, and it makes taking the plunge that much more palatable!
In talking with my wife yesterday she agrees that this is likely the best course of action since we'll be able to just add the upgraded parts when we want to get more functionality out of the system.
Tue, 08/31/2010 - 07:42
To everyone that has a Kreg, should I get the Right Angle clamp as well? or is it not necessary?
Tue, 08/31/2010 - 08:34
I can only speak as someone who's done a bunch of research but hasn't actually bought or used one yet (
), but…
I think you would only need that right angle clamp if you're going to be using the system to attach the guide box to individual pieces of wood like 2x4s and stuff like that. The clamp comes in the Master System which clocks in around $150 (but you can find it for $140 in some places), or you can buy it separately later. I think (someone else can check me on this) that you don't really need the clamp unless you also have the portable base. It doesn't look like you can use just the insert that rests in the main base on its own. So in addition to the clamp you'd need to shell out another 20 bucks for that base.
Ok, wait. I was wrong. The clamp is useful to join pieces at right-angles by having one side of it enter the pocket hole and the other side holding the adjoining piece. Then you screw in through an adjacent pocket hole. It basically ensures a perfect 90-degree hold while you screw the boards in.
Hm, now I'm doubting if my wife and I should just go ahead and get the Master System, since the portable base and clamp are $50 or so together anyways. Darn it!
EDIT: Ok, looks like I didn't do all the research I needed. The right-angle clamp, which is what I linked above, is a separate thing that you DON'T get in the Master System kit. What you DO get is a Face Clamp, which helps to secure the portable base, etc. The Right-Angle clamp looks useful if you're going to be joining things at right angles like that often. Sorry for any confusion!
Carrie and 3Chicks
Wed, 09/01/2010 - 05:47
Just an FYI- Rockler Wood Working has the Kreg Jig right now (J-4) bench mount for $99.99 with $20 of free screws.
I took a copy of the ad to Orange yesterday and was able to negotiate 15% off their $99.97 Bench J-4 based on the Rockler ad.
So psyched to have i t for only $85! Woo-Hoo!
Wed, 09/01/2010 - 06:52
Good looking out, Carrie! Awesome. My wife took a trip yesterday while I was at work and came home with the K4 for $75 after a $25 gift card - gotta love deals!
anawhite (not verified)
Fri, 09/03/2010 - 19:04
Thanks for sharing Carrie! I am going to have to pass this along!
Sat, 09/04/2010 - 01:52
So, if you don't all mind I'll just add to the Rockler Kreg deal, for those of you who might like to take advantage of it.
I partner with a company which allows me a shopping portal that offers a cashback incentive for over 3000 retailers, Rockler being one of them. It works like this:
Here's the direct link to the Rockler offer - you will notice they're offering 3% cashback on your offer: http://www.marketamerica.com/e.....20Hardware
When you click on the link it will ask you to register. Just take a minute to register (no personal information is shared, sold, etc. The only thing that's really required is a valid email and username) You're no enrolled in the cashback program. There is no charge to participate.
You'll then be directed to the Rockler site.
When you make your purchase the amount is sent back and up to 60 days later you'll see the cashback money appear in your "bank" on the portal. As long as you login and go through the portal, anything you buy with a cashback logo will add to your cashback total. When the total gets to $50 you can request to have a check sent to you.
While I realize that 3% isn't such a big deal at first, it adds up quick, especially if you're making trips to the Orange store or Ace. I have been buying myself e-gift cards though this portal and using them in-store for lumber and hardware.
If you have any questions on how this works I'm happy to answer them, and I just posted this because I hope that it can help save some money for those of us who like to save as much as we can.
ps. Here's an alphabetized list of all of the stores that offer cashback. You get there by clicking "Partner Stores". http://www.marketamerica.com/e.....ddStoresSS
Sat, 09/04/2010 - 05:33
I was able to pick up the K3 master set back in May for $122 shipped from toolorbit.com. I found it when Amazon gold box had a deal on one of the Kreg packages. When checking to see if the Amazon offer was a good one, a quick google search brought up this deal, and I went with it. This has been my only purchase from that site, but I was well satisfied with their price, communication, and quickness to ship.
Sat, 09/04/2010 - 06:53
Not sure why I didn't see this before when I browsing the site looking at the clamp prices, but the K3MS is available again for $122 shipped at http://www.toolorbit.com/Kreg/.....-K3MS.html
Sat, 09/04/2010 - 14:53
We use the Kreg Tool to make projects all the time, and it works great! I will have to say though that I use both the flat face clamp and the 90 degree clamp all the time. Also when you use the tool you need to make sure to still use glue. It basically replaces a clamp when glueing and it really does make a very strong joint when used correctly. Good luck with your new tool and have fun with it.
D Maria
Sat, 09/04/2010 - 16:25
I used my Kreg jig today... and yesterday, and the day before, and several days a few weeks ago too. I have the K-4 and just love it. Looks like some of you are finding great deals on it too & let me tell you it is worth every penny. I paid full price for mine and have not regretted it one bit. I have built a huge organizer system for 3 walls of our walk-in closet, shelves for the pantry and now I am working on an entryway bench/locker system and and pedestal drawer for the front load washer. Assembly is a dream with the pocket holes. I made my first ever drawer boxes today and they are perfect. The right angle clamp is not a must but having a pair of vice-grip style clamps (in addition to the one that came the jig set) has been vital for me, allowing me to clamp a guild/stop board so that when it comes to placing the piece I just glue and screw it. The only time I need to call my husband for help is once it's together and too heavy for me to move by myself. Definitely read the instructions and watch the DVD or online videos. Everything there is very helpful to know, pay attention to screw selection based on the thickness and type of board. I have tons more projects, built-ins and furniture to go and will be using my Kreg jig on all of them. Love It!